MISOMIP2 Splinter Meeting (EGU 2023)

European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria & online

April 25, 2023

We presented and discussed the expleriments planned for the 2nd Marine Ice Sheet Ocean Model Intercomparison project.

MISOMIP2 online meeting

September 1-3, 2020

We organized two (to accommodate the various time zones) online meetings to outline and discuss the aims of MISOMIP2, to inform potential participants about the timeline and to discuss the experimental protocol.

Rising Coastal Seas on a Warming Earth III workshop

New York University Campus in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

May 7-9, 2018

This workshop was partly dedicated to the future steps for the MISOMIP community. It was decided to move to more realistic configurations for MISOMIP2.

MISOMIP Splinter Meeting (EGU 2017)

European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria

April 24, 2017

A MISOMIP splinter meeting was held on 24 April as part of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, April 23-28, 2017. The splinter meeting discussed primarily the progress to date and the upcoming deadlines for MISMIP+, ISOMIP+ and MISOMP1. A poster by S. Cornford et al. (EGU2017-15426 Abstract) also presented some preliminary MISMIP+ on April 27.

Rising Coastal Seas On A Warming Earth II Workshop

New York University Campus in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

May 16-18, 2016

MISOMIP Splinter Meeting (EGU 2016)

European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria

April 21, 2016

A MISOMIP splinter meeting was held on 21 April as part of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, April 17-22, 2015. The splinter meeting included preliminary results from MISMIP+, ISOMIP+ and MISOMP1. A poster by Xylar Asay-Davis (EGU2016-15144 Abstract) also presented some preliminary ISOMIP+ and MISOMIP1 results on April 19.

ISMASS Workshop on the Marine Ice Sheet and Ice Shelf-Ocean Model Intercomparison Projects

In conjunction with the IGS Symposium, Cambridge, UK

August 16, 2015

MISOMIP Splinter Meeting (EGU 2015)

European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria

April 15, 2015

A MISOMIP splinter meeting was held on 14 April as part of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2015, April 12-17, 2015. A talk by Xylar Asay-Davis described the MISMIP+, ISOMIP+ and MISOMP1 experiments was given on 15 April.

Rising Coastal Seas On A Warming Earth I Workshop

New York University Campus in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

October 27-29, 2014

This first workshop included more than 30 leading researchers from around the world working toward coupled ice sheet-ocean modeling. The workshop included a series of brainstorming sessions, culminating in a plan for a series of community activities, progressing from seperate ice sheet and ocean components toward coupled models and from idealized to realistic model setups. Participants felt that the idealized experiments should leverage an existing community effort focused on standalone ice sheet models, the third Marine Ice Sheet Intercomparison Project (MISMIP+), built on earlier MISMIP and MISMIP3d projects. We envisioned a companion exercise focused on standalone ocean models, the second Ice Shelf Ocean Intercomparison Project (ISOMIP+), which would also build on the earlier ISOMIP project and the coupled modeling of Goldeberg et al. (2012a, 2012b). A third community experiment, the first Marine Ice Sheet-Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (MISOMIP1), would essentially couple together MISMIP+ and ISOMIP+. Design of these three interrelated MIPs has since proceeded with input from both workshop participants and the broader ice sheet-ocean modeling community. A design document covering all three projects is currently under review in Geoscientific Model Development.