• MIPkit–A (Amundsen) : Amundsen Sea ocean temperature and salinity data on horizontal slices, vertical sections and moorings. Amundsen basin ice surface velocities and surface elevation changes.

  • MIPkit–W (Weddell) : Weddell Sea ocean temperature and salinity data on horizontal slices, vertical sections and moorings. Filchner-Ronne basin ice surface velocities and surface elevation changes.

  • MIPkit-Perturbations : Anomalies to perturbate the atmospheric forcing (and ocean lateral boundaries) in a very warm scenario, and ice-shelf geometry for ocean experiments with perturbed geometry.

While an effort has been made to gather existing Earth observation and in situ data for the ice sheet and ocean as part of the initial release of the MISOMIP2 protocol, we consider the MIPkit to be a living archive. We expect the MIPkit to be updated with new observational products reformatted for MISOMIP2 as necessary. The on-going updates will be associated with version numbers on Zenodo. The MIPkit is nonetheless not intended to be a complete archive of all available data, rather a representative subset of observations that have been reformatted for easy comparison to the required model output.